Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sometimes we feel so far away..

Do you ever feel like God is so far away from you sometimes? And you’re fighting to get back to that closeness, but at the same time you’re not? I think we all do sometimes. We’re human, and God understands that. He did create us after all. Sometimes we all just need a wake up call from God. He just sends us a message telling us he loves us, and that he’s still there even though we can’t feel him. God is not the one who moves away, it is us. God sends us all kinds of messages all the time, and we rarely see them. I’ve been struggling with a lot of internal junk lately, and I had lost that emotional closeness with God for a few weeks. You all know what I’m talking about right? That feeling that your salvation, and relationship with him is still there, but you can’t feel that emotional awe of how amazing God is. I had been searching for so long for that emotion I wanted. While emotions are not the most important thing in our relationship with the Lord, it is still nice sometimes. To have that wonderful feeling of peace in your heart, like the first day you got saved. I think a lot of us lose that feeling sometimes amongst the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. It’s still there, we just can’t feel it. Just like God is always there, sometimes we just can’t feel him. And sometimes he does that on purpose so that we can learn to need him again. And sometimes all it takes is a simple act showing his love. Whether it is from a friend caring for us when they don’t need to, or just God showing us all that he has created, and how wonderful it is. I hadn’t felt God in quite a while. Two weeks is quite a while for me, and I had been contemplating why this had happened. And then sitting here on this train, with an abscessed tooth causing my so much pain, God showed me himself. He showed me that he is still here, and always will be. He did this in two ways that I would like to share with you. The first would be my iTunes, since I don’t have an Internet connection while I am on this train, I can conveniently only listen to my Christian music. And then, as I am sitting here wallowing in my pain, (not really wallowing, but grumbling more or less) I look out the window, and see a sunrise. A sunrise on one side combined with a beautiful forest with a lake dividing it. Suddenly that feeling of peace returned as I smiled and beheld God’s beautiful work. He certainly is an amazing artist when you think about it. I’m positive that no man will ever be able to do what he does. Yeah, sure we have man made buildings and bridges and such, but none compare. None of them compare to the surpassing greatness of God and his intrinsic design of everything on this planet. Think about it guys, God created the human. The human body is so complicated, that only a quarter of the world can figure most of it out. That quarter of the world is also the smartest people in the world. God is so awesome! Seriously, who else would think to create the platypus? I still think that is the greatest animal in the world. It’s a duck and a beaver put together! Awesome… purely awesome. So as I sat here and beheld that sunrise and the beautiful lake, I realized the reason for this abscessed tooth and having to rush home in the middle of the week. It was God’s way of waking up my heart. I believe a sunrise is God code for, “Good morning my child, I love you.” I truly believe that. My heart has returned to the Lord once again, all because of his beautiful creation, and this stupid tooth that has been nagging at me for three days now. I admit however, I would have preferred God chosen a slightly less painful way to get me back to him. But all is well. 

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